江苏苏州姑苏区双塔街道所在地市的区县/乡镇/街道地图: |
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江苏苏州姑苏区双塔街道 查看地图
双塔辖区环境优美,文化底蕴浓郁,区内名居古宅,历史胜迹,星罗棋布。被列入《世界文化遗产》的网师园,沧浪亭、双塔禅院蜚声海内外,江南最大的文庙、清织造府、思想家章太炎故居、教育家叶圣陶故居等颇负盛名。双塔辖区科学教育文化资源也十分丰富,有百年名校苏州大学、江苏省苏州中学等历史悠久的院校;又有又有苏州市图书馆、苏州日报社、苏州广播电视台、苏州广播电台等现代文化媒体资源,形成了高雅的人文环境和人才优势。 深厚的文化底蕴营造了本地区特有的商业文化特色,辖区内共有企业1600多个,苏州市著名的乌鹊桥路电脑街、十全休闲旅游一条街和凤凰餐饮特色街坐落在辖区内,最近“两街一河”改造工程的完成,更使街区日益呈现出绿树成荫、繁树如花的美丽景象,逐步形成了以特色街区为中心的税源稳定、基础扎实的发展区域。 我们双塔街道党工委、办事处以"-"重要思想为指导,以社区党建为龙头,从提高居民的文明素质入手,充分整合辖区丰富的人文资源,大力开展社区党建和文明社区创建活动。先后获得“全国侨务工作示范单位”、“省文明单位”、“省先进基层党组织”等荣誉称号250多个。 展望未来,人文双塔正焕发出勃勃生机,未来的双塔必将是一个更加经济繁荣、社会稳定、环境优美、交通便捷、舒适的生活乐园。 Shuangta subdistrict The Shuangta subdistrict office of people government of Canglang section is located in the center part of ancient suzhou city which is beside moat from the east,and Renmin road is in it’s west,spread to Zhuhui road,rest in the Ganjiang river in the north. The popedom area is 3.35sq.km,the constant dweller is about 60 thousand. There are 10 community committee which is the center part of education\culture\science\tourism of suzhou. Besides,it has a long history and abundant in human sendiments. It’s environment is elegancy in Shuangta pagoda,the culture sphere is also dense. There are famous and ancient house inside and historical site scattered. As everybody knows,the Wangshi garden, the Canglang booth,the Shuangta Buddhist yard have been considered as the culture bequest of the world. And the biggest civil temple of south river,the official residence of twine in Qing dynasty,the former residence of the thinker zhangtaiyan and the educationalist Yeshengtao are tribute to the great reputation of Suzhou. most of all,it’s abundant in science education and culture resoursces,such as the famous century-school Suzhou university and Suzhou high school of Jiangsu province. Many modern culture media resources such as Suzhou library,Suzhou daily newspaper office,Suzhou broadcast TV station,Suzhou broadcasting station etc,which shaping the decorous human surroundings and privilidged in person with ability. The profound civilization culture has been building the commercial culture,there are more than 1600 enterprises inside the popedom. The famous wuque road computer street,shiquan lie fallow tour street and fenghuang eat and drink street are all located here. “The two street and one river” project has coming to an end now which enhance the greenery and pulchritude vision here gradually. As we all see that a featureous developing district has appeared before us,which has stable tax resources and well-knit foundation. 还有以下地名与双塔街道同名: 以下地名与双塔街道面积相当: 双塔街道特产与美食 苏绣 苏州茉莉花茶 洞庭红桔 苏州宋锦 苏扇 洞庭枇杷 檀香扇 苏州丝绸 到双塔街道必去著名景点 拙政园 留园 狮子林 网师园&沧浪亭 西园寺 网师园 盘门 环秀山庄 双塔街道区划 320502001001 111 锦帆路社区居委会
320502001002 111 大公园社区居委会 320502001003 111 滚绣坊社区居委会 320502001004 111 沧浪亭社区居委会 320502001005 111 二郎巷社区居委会 320502001006 111 网狮巷社区居委会 320502001007 111 百步街社区居委会 320502001008 111 定慧寺社区居委会 320502001009 111 钟楼社区居委会 320502001010 111 唐家巷社区居委会 百度推广 双塔街道网友签到处↓ 元芳,你对双塔街道怎么看? ---说两句吧!
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